miercuri, 30 septembrie 2009


~~ I decided to share this one with you because of two reasons - I think it relates well to the lyrics I chose for my previous post and because the presidential elections are knocking at our door, here, in Romania:)
~~ Enjoy:) And listen again to the song called "Tom Sawyer" by Rush!!

by 2na/ T.O.S.

You think you're free,

But you are slave to their stupidity.

You think you're well,

But you are ruined by their demagogy.

They sell you lies,

They say transition.

Why can't you see it's their ambition

To call like this our crisis?

They want you to choose them

Every time.

But in return they only give you

Promises and lies.

Freedom of speech – You bet you have it!

But only in your mind.

Because in real life you are too coward

To say what's wrong or right

You know your rights but you don't know how

To use them for yourself.

But every four years you learn how

To use them for their wealth.

You go now and choose the one

That you consider the best

Go and put another straw

To his comfortable nest.

All you have is for today

Cause you never know tomorrow.

With them leading you to nowhere

You'll soon see just pain and sorrow.

After choosing your "great" leader

You discover he has sins,

He loves crimes and assassins,

He uses you as toilet paper

Voice of rage you hear now screaming

Inside your ignorant mind

Between those cheap market clones – called politicians

Only the best you can't find.

Of course, now, you start to scream

That you want another leader

With your friends you make a team

REVOLUTION – is what now the best you consider.

Hey, you stupid man

Just turn and look behind your back,

You are the one who chose those men.

Why do you want to break their necks?

~~Photo by Taxony.

luni, 28 septembrie 2009


~~ A new week has started and I have absolutely no plan for it. A few errands to run these days, a book to finish reading (Brida by Paulo Coelho) and continue my work on the paper about creativity and art/music therapy.
~~ Wish you all a great new week! Promise to post some poetry this week too:) Till then I'll leave you with a couple of sketches and a song.
~~Okay ,so drawing birds is not easy at all!! I tried to draw this eagle, after a photography. The come-off of my attempt: a very nice and fluffy eaglo-reptilo-chicken. I'm sure you've never seen one before. I like his head though.

~~ This one is called "The Other Part of Me". It's not very detailed but it's cute, i think.

~~ I can't say I'm a big Rush fan but i do LOVE this song:) Enjoy:)

"No, his mind is not for rent
To any God or government.
Always hopeful, yet discontent,
He knows changes arent permanent,
But change is."

sâmbătă, 26 septembrie 2009

Warm and Sunny

~~ Wow, I can't believe how fast summer flew away...and I can't believe September is almost gone already...Time flies away so fast!
~~ It's been a nice, sunny and warm week but last night the weather changed. Today hasn't been such a warm, sunny day but rather a cloudy, chilly one...It made me think that winter is actually knocking at out door. And, as much as I love Christmas, I can't forget how much I hate cold and wet weather!!
~~ I decided to share this drawing with you. It's not a new one, actually it is a few years old. I found it among my scrapbooks today and it made me think of winter...probably because of the tarboosh on the bird's head.(I know, that's actually a sleepy crow!)
~~ Wish you a warm and sunny weekend - if not outside, at least in your hearts!

duminică, 20 septembrie 2009

Marvels we are...

~~ I'm doing a paper on creativity and art therapy so I've been reading a lot lately and I came across an excerpt from Pablo Casals' Reflections...What an amazing and most true message this excerpt carries...It really touched me.
~~ I hope you enjoy it as much as I did:)

"Sometimes I look around me with complete dismay. In the confusion that afflicts the world today, I see disrespect for the very values of life. Beauty is all about us, but how many are blind to it. They look at the wonder of this earth and seem to see nothing. People move about hectically but give little thought to where they are going. They seek excitement for its mere sake, as if they were lost or desperate. They take little pleasure in the natural and quiet and simple things of life. Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that never was and will never be again.
And what do we teach our children in school? We teach them that two and two make four and that Paris is in France. We should say to each one of them 'Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the world there is no other child exactly like you. And look at your body - what a wonder it is! Your legs, your arms, your cunning fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything.'"
**Joys and Sorrows: Reflections by Pablo Casals

~~ What a wonderful translation - lovely!
"Avem frumuseţea în noi, dar cât de orbi suntem! Mulţi oameni privesc minunile acestei lumi şi par să nu vadă nimic. Orice clipă trăită este un moment nou şi unic al Universului, un moment care nu a mai existat niciodată şi care nu se va mai întoarce în veci. Iar noi ne învăţăm copiii la şcoala că doi şi cu doi fac patru şi că Parisul este capitala Franţei. Când vom ajunge oare să-i învăţăm ceea ce sunt?
Fiecărui copil ar trebui să-i spunem: Ştii ce eşti tu? Eşti un miracol. Eşti unic. În întreaga lume nu mai există niciun copil identic cu tine. Au trecut milioane de ani şi milioane de ani vor mai trece, dar niciodată nu va mai exista un alt copil ca tine. Uită-te la trupul tău – cât este de minunat! Picioarele tale, braţele tale, degetele tale îndemânatice, felul în care te mişti! Poţi ajunge un Shakespeare, un Michelangelo, un Beethoven. În tine este toată forţa. Da, eşti un miracol!"

~~ Have a nice Sunday and don't forget to enjoy every moment!
~~ To learn more about Pablo Casals read here.

marți, 15 septembrie 2009

Goodbye Patrick....

~~ Ever since I read for the frist time that Patrick Swayze was diagnosed with cancer I have prayed that there was a way for him to be cured. But life is not always mercyful nor fair....
~~ He was one of my favorite actors and "Dirty Dancing" will always be a top 10 fav and so will the song "The Time of My Life":)
~~ Unfortunately Patrick left us yesterday but he didn't go without a fight and that, I think, is a very honorable way to leave this world.
~~ Life is not fair....some people - drunkards, thieves, rapers, liars - get to grow old and die of old age while others like Patrick Swayze, Michael Jackson, Lady Di, or just kids and teenagers die too early killed in cruel accidents, murdered or killed by heavy diseases.
~~ Rest in peace Patrick!


vineri, 11 septembrie 2009


~~ Here I am, back online and with new drawings:)
~~ I would like to take this time and thank someone I like to call my friend, though deep inside I know we are mere acquaintances. If it wasn't for her beautiful inspiring paintings I would have never started to draw.
~~ Writing and drawing have always been dear to me, ever since I was a child. As a kid I would spend my time writing and re-writing my class notebooks and drawing -- fish, dresses, trees and little houses.
The thought that I was untalented stopped me from taking up drawing/painting classes.
~~ Years later I met this person, this beautiful person who brought back to life my appetite for drawing. Thank you Nic:)
~~ Also I'd like to thank Andra for supporting and encouraging me:)
~~ I know I'm not great at it, I'm not even good at it but it makes me happy to draw so I'll keep drawing....talented or talentless...'cause what's talent after all?

"Talent is the self-discovery and acknowledgement that you possess the interest and motivation needed to become exceptional in a specific area. To find out what a talented person look like, go look in a mirror! With a personal commitment, patience and dedication, you can develop your talent for drawing." (Brenda Hoddinott) ~~ If this is how an amazing, awarded artist thinks like, why would I think any different?!

~~Wish you all a great weekend:)

~~ "Butterfly"

~~ "I am a Witch"

~~ "I love you BooBoo Bear"

~~ "Purple BooBoo Bear"